Praise is a much more powerful tool than sanctions and is much more in keeping with the ethos of Ysgol Dinas Brân. Therefore, frequent use of encouraging language and gestures, both in lessons and around the school is encouraged so that positive behaviour is recognised and positively rewarded.
At Ysgol Dinas Brân, ClassCharts is used frequently as a tool to promote and recognise positive learning behaviours and celebrate successes. Points are awarded in line with the school behaviour policy. The Application is also used to record negative sanctions and homework activities.
The system has both student and parent applications which can be downloaded here using student and parent codes which are held by the school. Should you require a new code please contact your child’s HoY and this can be arranged for you.
Once downloaded, parents and carers can receive up to date notifications about their child’s behaviour and homework.
Aside from sharing positive and negative behaviour incidents with you, your child’s teachers will also set homework using the app, making it easier for parents and carers to understand what independent work is expected from week to week. The App also tracks whether work has been completed which again empowers parents and carers to identify where they can support their child. In addition, each child’s timetable is visible via the parent and pupil app which supports organisation and preparation for learning in general.