Year 13 First Aid Training

Year 13 Uniformed Protective Services First Aid Training

On Friday 26th November Students studying the BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Uniformed Protective Services received Expedition first aid training from the medical officer at Llanberis Mountain Rescue team.

Students completed an intensive programme preparing them for their expedition next year.  The 2021 Expedition to the Lake District is planned completely by the students and will test their leadership and teamwork ability, fitness, navigation and wilderness skills. After completing training, they were tested via a series of scenarios - made even more challenging by the cold conditions!

The Team was then surprised with a rare full access tour of the Llanberis Mountain rescue base, through which they gained a unique insight to the operation of the United Kingdom's busiest rescue team.

The rescue team members where impressed with our team of young explorers, “It was absolutely brilliant to see you and the students from Dinas Bran School on Friday, you should be very proud of them”;  Perhaps the trip may even inspire rescue volunteers of the future!

  • First aid